
Rates per week, changeover day on Saturday (minimum stay 1 week). End of stay cleaning and bed linen included. For for more information or reservations outside the period mentioned hereunder, please contact us >

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
27/04/2024 28/04/2024 29/04/2024 30/04/2024 01/05/2024 02/05/2024 03/05/2024 Booked
04/05/2024 05/05/2024 06/05/2024 07/05/2024 08/05/2024 09/05/2024 10/05/2024 Booked
11/05/2024 12/05/2024 13/05/2024 14/05/2024 15/05/2024 16/05/2024 17/05/2024 Booked
18/05/2024 19/05/2024 20/05/2024 21/05/2024 22/05/2024 23/05/2024 24/05/2024 850.00 €
25/05/2024 26/05/2024 27/05/2024 28/05/2024 29/05/2024 30/05/2024 31/05/2024 850.00 €
01/06/2024 02/06/2024 03/06/2024 04/06/2024 05/06/2024 06/06/2024 07/06/2024 Booked
08/06/2024 09/06/2024 10/06/2024 11/06/2024 12/06/2024 13/06/2024 14/06/2024 Booked
15/06/2024 16/06/2024 17/06/2024 18/06/2024 19/06/2024 20/06/2024 21/06/2024 Booked
22/06/2024 23/06/2024 24/06/2024 25/06/2024 26/06/2024 27/06/2024 28/06/2024 Booked
29/06/2024 30/06/2024 01/07/2024 02/07/2024 03/07/2024 04/07/2024 05/07/2024 Booked
06/07/2024 07/07/2024 08/07/2024 09/07/2024 10/07/2024 11/07/2024 12/07/2024 Booked
13/07/2024 14/07/2024 15/07/2024 16/07/2024 17/07/2024 18/07/2024 19/07/2024 Booked
20/07/2024 21/07/2024 22/07/2024 23/07/2024 24/07/2024 25/07/2024 26/07/2024 Booked
27/07/2024 28/07/2024 29/07/2024 30/07/2024 31/07/2024 01/08/2024 02/08/2024 Booked
03/08/2024 04/08/2024 05/08/2024 06/08/2024 07/08/2024 08/08/2024 09/08/2024 Booked
10/08/2024 11/08/2024 12/08/2024 13/08/2024 14/08/2024 15/08/2024 16/08/2024 Booked
17/08/2024 18/08/2024 19/08/2024 20/08/2024 21/08/2024 22/08/2024 23/08/2024 Booked
24/08/2024 25/08/2024 26/08/2024 27/08/2024 28/08/2024 29/08/2024 30/08/2024 Booked
31/08/2024 01/09/2024 02/09/2024 03/09/2024 04/09/2024 05/09/2024 06/09/2024 Booked
07/09/2024 08/09/2024 09/09/2024 10/09/2024 11/09/2024 12/09/2024 13/09/2024 Booked
14/09/2024 15/09/2024 16/09/2024 17/09/2024 18/09/2024 19/09/2024 20/09/2024 Booked
21/09/2024 22/09/2024 23/09/2024 24/09/2024 25/09/2024 26/09/2024 27/09/2024 Booked
28/09/2024 29/09/2024 30/09/2024 01/10/2024 02/10/2024 03/10/2024 04/10/2024 Booked
05/10/2024 06/10/2024 07/10/2024 08/10/2024 09/10/2024 10/10/2024 11/10/2024 Booked
12/10/2024 13/10/2024 14/10/2024 15/10/2024 16/10/2024 17/10/2024 18/10/2024 Booked
19/10/2024 20/10/2024 21/10/2024 22/10/2024 23/10/2024 24/10/2024 25/10/2024 800.00 €
26/10/2024 27/10/2024 28/10/2024 29/10/2024 30/10/2024 31/10/2024 01/11/2024 Booked
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
26/04/2025 27/04/2025 28/04/2025 29/04/2025 30/04/2025 01/05/2025 02/05/2025 800.00€
03/05/2025 04/05/2025 05/05/2025 06/05/2025 07/05/2025 08/05/2025 09/05/2025 800.00€
10/05/2025 11/05/2025 12/05/2025 13/05/2025 14/05/2025 15/05/2025 16/05/2025 800.00€
17/05/2025 18/05/2025 29/05/2025 20/05/2025 21/05/2025 22/05/2025 23/05/2025 800.00€
24/05/2025 25/05/2025 26/05/2025 27/05/2025 28/05/2025 29/05/2025 30/05/2025 800.00€
31/05/2025 01/06/2025 02/06/2025 03/06/2025 04/06/2025 05/06/2025 06/06/2025 Reserved
07/06/2025 08/06/2025 09/06/2025 10/06/2025 11/06/2025 12/06/2025 13/06/2025 Reserved
14/06/2025 15/06/2025 16/06/2025 17/06/2025 18/06/2025 19/06/2025 20/06/2025 Option 1 000.00€
21/06/2025 22/06/2025 23/06/2025 24/06/2025 25/06/2025 26/06/2025 27/06/2025 Option 1 000.00€
28/06/2025 29/06/2025 30/06/2025 01/07/2025 02/07/2025 03/07/2025 04/07/2025 Option 1 250.00€
05/07/2025 06/07/2025 07/07/2025 08/07/2025 09/07/2025 10/07/2025 11/07/2025 Option 1 500.00€
12/07/2025 13/07/2025 14/07/2025 15/07/2025 16/07/2025 17/07/2025 18/07/2025 Reserved
19/07/2025 20/07/2025 21/07/2025 22/07/2025 23/07/2025 24/07/2025 25/07/2025 Reserved
26/07/2025 27/07/2025 28/07/2025 29/07/2025 30/07/2025 31/07/2025 01/08/2025 Reserved
02/08/2025 03/08/2025 04/08/2025 05/08/2025 06/08/2025 07/08/2025 08/08/2025 Reserved
09/08/2025 10/08/2025 11/08/2025 12/08/2025 13/08/2025 14/08/2025 15/08/2025 1 500.00€
16/08/2025 17/08/2025 18/08/2025 19/08/2025 20/08/2025 21/08/2025 22/08/2025 1 500.00€
23/08/2025 24/08/2025 25/08/2025 26/08/2025 27/08/2025 28/08/2025 29/08/2025 1 500.00€
30/08/2025 31/08/2025 01/09/2025 02/09/2025 03/09/2025 04/09/2025 05/09/2025 1 250.00€
06/09/2025 07/09/2025 08/09/2025 09/09/2025 10/09/2025 11/09/2025 12/09/2025 1 000.00€
13/09/2025 14/09/2025 15/09/2025 16/09/2025 17/09/2025 18/09/2025 19/09/2025 Reserved
20/09/2025 21/09/2025 22/09/2025 23/09/2025 24/09/2025 25/09/2025 26/09/2025 900.00€
27/09/2025 28/09/2025 29/09/2025 30/09/2025 01/10/2025 02/10/2025 03/10/2025 900.00€
04/10/2025 05/10/2025 06/10/2025 07/10/2025 08/10/2025 09/10/2025 10/10/2025 800.00€
11/10/2025 12/10/2025 13/10/2025 14/10/2025 15/10/2025 16/10/2025 17/10/2025 800.00 €
18/10/2025 19/10/2025 20/10/2025 21/10/2025 22/10/2025 23/10/2025 24/10/2025 800.00 €
25/10/2025 26/10/2025 27/10/2025 28/10/2025 29/10/2025 30/10/2025 31/10/2025 800.00 €
Services and optional costs:
 Deposit 400.00 €  Per stay
 Towel set (1 beach- and 2 bath towels) - optional 7.50 €  Per person
 Water & electricity  Counter
 Tourist tax (taxe de séjour) 1.40 €  Per day/person